+31 (0)10 71 44 600 info@inigo.nl

e-mail: schaap@inigo.nl

direct:  +31 10 26 14 082

office:  +31 10 71 44 600

Dirk Schaap

Dirk Schaap studied Dutch law at the University of Amsterdam and graduated in a constitutional law subject. Subsequently, he has been working continuously as an attorney in Rotterdam, firstly at Wybenga Advocaten and from 1 March 2017 with Inigo Advocaten. From 1990, he has been working in the field of regular migration law and social insurance law. There are also other areas of administrative law that he takes on occasionally, such as cases on disability transport, pardoning, or subsidies.

Dirk Schaap has dealt with many cases in the field of Association Law between EEC and Turkey. Six times, a Dutch judge has referred a case he was working on to the Court of Justice of the EU for a preliminary ruling. This has led to a judgement of the EU Court in five cases.

He specialises in the field of administrative fees, to be paid for the processing of residence permit applications. The 2009 judgement in his Sahin case of the Court of Justice of the EU led to a reduction in the fee rates for Turkish citizens. In 2012 another case he handled led to the Council of State declaring the high fee for family reunification of EUR 1,250 to be contrary to the Family Reunification Directive 2003/86/EC.
Dirk Schaap has published several articles on European social security law, residence permits for seafarers and legal dues as well as some case notes related to these subjects or to general administrative law. He was co-editor of the book Jurisprudence Immigration Law (Rechtspraak Vreemdelingenrecht), which was published annually until 2014. Also for a period of about ten years he has been making examinations and administering them to trainee lawyers on the subject of regular migration law.  

Working Group on Legal Aid in Immigration Affairs (WRV), The Netherlands Association of Specialised Immigration Lawyers (SVMA), Knowledge Network Social Security.

Dirk Schaap has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas:

– Immigration law
– Detention of foreign nationals
– Social security law
Under this registration, he is obliged to gain ten points of training in each registered area in accordance with the standards of the Netherlands Bar Association.